Jonas T. Kaplan, Ph.D.
Hi. Welcome to my web site.

I am currently an Associate Professor of Psychology at USC's Brain and Creativity Institute, where I use functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to study how the brain works. I am also Co-Director of the Dana & David Dornsife Cognitive Neuroimaging Center. and Associate Director for Mindfulness and Neuroimaging for the USC Center for Mindfulness Science.

If you'd like to contact me, send me an email at .

You can also follow me on twitter @Jonas_Kaplan.


Check out my podcast FLOAT that I host with filmmaker and David Lynch collaborator Mary Sweeney, where we talk to filmmakers, neuroscientists, artists, and musicians about what they have in common in the way they work and what they think about.

@thefloatpodcast on Twitter